Simpler Legal

Simpler Legal provides you with the essential overview of the group entities


Simpler Legal is a web-based entity management system. With Simpler Legal you can easily manage the group's hierarchy of legal entities and store information including documents linked to the individual entity.

An entity may be a legal or financial entity, a department, a property or basically whatever unit you need to keep track of. Senior staff or executives can also be created or imported into the system to form an overview of management and board members of each entity.

Thus, it is very easy for example to get an overview of the entity each person is involved in.

People Management

All companies need to keep track of their legal infrastructure. Unfortunately, many companies do not have the proper software to keep track of t he legal corporate governance.

These companies instead use binder folders, random Excel-, Word- and Pdf-files. This often leads to inefficient workflows and much greater risk.

With a central corporate database, the group is able to both streamline workflows and improve legal risk management and compliance tremendously. This has a positive effect on the company’s bottom line.

With Simpler Legal You Get

The relationship between the entity parent and subsidiary, i.e. ownership, is the cornerstone of the system.

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A Standard legal “data template” for each entity combined with a fully customizable data structure.

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A dynamic organizational chart system.

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Historical overview through a log of all changes.

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Simple and very flexible full-text search - even within documents.

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Comprehensive folder structure.

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Detailed yet simple permission structure.

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One truth in terms of the legal infrastructure and data.

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How fast could you answer these questions?

   Create an organizational chart of the current corporate structure?

 A list of all companies where CEO or board member X is involved?

   The sum of all claims with an exposure of more than X million USD?

  All companies in three selected countries where the share capital is smaller/ larger than X?

  Outstanding contract approvals in the Group with a value greater than X?

  A structured process for continuously gathering and keeping updated legal information for all entities?

  Deadlines for receiving each subsidiary's financial statements?

  Present the founding documents for all subsidiaries in the US?