Simpler Legal - version 2.7
Dear Simpler Legal user,
We are happy to announce that we are ready to offer you the new Simpler Legal – version 2.7.
We are constantly working to improve our system and in this version, we focused on two things:
- New server setup providing significantly improved performance
- Update of the Symfony framework to the newest version (v. 3)
The new server setup increases performance noticeably. This saves you time and hopefully increases the joy of working with Simpler Legal. We continuously work
on improving performance as we know this is important to you. With the new and improved server setup, the response time has increased drastically.
The Simpler Legal product is built upon a standard framework called Symfony Framework. Symfony enables a robust and very secure starting point for building
applications. Updating the framework to the newest version basically means going through most of the source code and making sure it lives up to the newest
standard. Since a large part of the source code has been updated this has also meant intense testing.
In addition to these two major improvements to Simpler Legal we have added some other new functions, as shown below.
Several known issues were also solved - some of these have you been kind to make us aware of - thank you.
We hope you will be pleased with the new version of Simpler Legal.
The Simpler Legal Team
New Features/Improvements
- New servers – much better performance.
- Update of the framework to the newest version of Symfony (v.3).
- Increased documents upload size to 100 MB.
- Simplified process for creating persons and sending login information.
- Search engine improvements.
- Fixed an issue when trying to archive a document.
- Fixed an issue when adding a person to the Management tab without adding a title for the person.
- Fixed an issue with the uploader. This has now been replaced by the new documents upload process. The Flash component is no more required.
- Fixed an issue when searching using the “/” character.
- Fixed an issue with inconsistent colours when exporting the org chart.
- Fixed an issue with search – column disappearing when updating search criteria.
- Fixed an issue on Administration page – when dragging tab/box/field.
March 2017